Thursday, May 28, 2009

An amazing medal !

Hi! I'm gonna show you one of the coolest things I have. Check it out below! It is sooooo cool! It is a medal I won last month at a gymnastics competition. It's FIRST place! This is what I think is so cool about winning it. I had to do some incredible dismounts off the balance beam. If I didn't nail them I might have broken all my bones! If I get picked next year I would be really excited to compete again. I love this medal. It means the world to me. I hope I don't lose it!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Park Panthers, GO,GO,GO!

video created by Hajera

One Million Acts of Green! #3: Pizza-eaters, not gas-guzzlers!

Wasting gas pollutes our planet. Add Image

Watch how we committed our "Act of Green" and got pizza, too!

What will you do? Leave us a comment!

posted by room 17

One Million Acts of Green! #2: Havin' a party!

We made up our own "Act of Green!"

Take a look at how we saved energy and waste by avoiding disposable plates and cups at our party!!

Are you being "green?" Leave us a comment!

Posted by room 17

One Million Acts of Green #1: Pond Scumbag!

We believe in green!

Check out our video! We've made a commitment to help our planet!

What about YOU???? What 'act of green' will you commit to? Write to us, in comments!

posted by room 17

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are Torontonians being honest?

In Toronto people find wallets that others may have lost.

A reporter for the Toronto Star, on purpose left 20 wallets all over the city to see what people would do. The results were: 16 wallets were returned , but 4 wallets were kept. The wallets each had $43.77 dollars in them.

Sometimes someone might keep the wallet because there might be MONEY, LOTTERY TICKETS, or maybe ID. But 80% of Torontonians give the wallets back to the owners and maybe if the owners are very happy the people might get a reward.

I want your thoughts about Torontonians being honest and what you would do if you found someone's belongings.


Don't Be Scared, Be Safe!

If you have heard about the Tori Stafford case, you're probably more than a little bit scared. Any one would be scared if they heard that an eight year-old girl was abducted, then murdered. Well, here's a little update: two suspects have been charged with the abduction and murder of Victoria Stafford. The suspects have been taken into custody by police, and the search for her continues.

Anyway, if you want to be safe here are some things you can do :

1. Make a family code word and tell your parents to tell the person that is picking you up to say the code word. Once the code word has been used, you need to change it, to be safe.

2. Don't be alone. When you go some place, make sure that you are with someone else. The more the merrier. Most of the time.

3. Remember, be smart and stay safe!

Posted by Mandeq

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Roving Reporter for N.M.P.P.S

Hey there, I'm the roving reporter at N.M.P.P.S. and I am writing about all sorts of great sports that are happening around the school .

Do you know that Track and Field happens during the Spring/Summer term?

You might have seen that some students are running around the track and jumping during the lunch hour as Mr. Abdul Rashid decides who is going to represent our school at the Spring track meets. On Friday May 22nd, there is going to be a Spring track meet at Varsity Stadium, which is the stadium that Usain Bolt will racing at on June 11th. Mr. Abdul Rashid personally talked to me about the track meet and the excellent Junior runners.

Another sport that's been popular at the school is Soccer!!!!!!!!!

There are four teams for our school who have been practicing and playing. One of them , the junior boys went to a tournament on Friday, May 15, 2009. Unfortunately they didn't win any games, but Michael was excellent and scored the only goal in the first game. The next soccer team is the junior girls who went to a tournament on Wednesday, May20, 2009. They had a great time but unfortunately they lost four games and tied one.
I wanted to tell you about the Sr. girls' soccer team.
I interviewed Ms Sharma's star player Aisha !! The team went to a tournament
and played four games. There were 14 girls actually 13 and an assistant manger.
Here are the names: Stephanie, Felicana, Naura, Gina. Aisha, Ruth, Laura, Alex, Paulina, and Mykeisha, Yemi, Tianna and Ashley. Their wonderful coach was Ms.Sharma.

Finally, children from grades 2 to 6 have been walking to the John Innes Pool with their teachers on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, for swimming lessons with Moe and Harri. Swimming is an important life lesson, because if you see someone drowning and you don't know how to swim, then what are you going to do? What if you want to go on a boat, kayak or a canoe. So swimming is important!

By your Roving Reporter, Rafia

Ask Lizzy - A Column for our Readers to Ask Her Advice....

Dear Readers,

I'm Lizzy. I want you to ask for me for advice and I will reply to your problems. Okay, these are some things you can ask me about:
1. Swine flu (H1N1)
3.New grades
4.New homes in or out of Regent Park
6.Tests/Grades as on report cards
8. LOVE Problems

If you have any other suggestions please tell me on the blog.
Just to be safe about this please don't use your name. You'll feel safer and more private if you make yourself into an a nickname, just for ask Lizzy!

We look forward to your questions and comments.



Saturday, May 9, 2009

Regent Park's Gift : Memories - Part 2

Here is the second installment of the beautiful testimonial our grade 4 and 5 students in room 20 have created to Regent Park, their home.

They would especially like you to listen to their words and voices as they accompany singer-songwriter Katherine Wheatley who helped them to craft their beautiful song. At the end is their "thank you" to this generous and gifted artist.

Share your thoughts and feelings with us, by clicking "comments" blow. Be sure to include your first name.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Regent Park's Gift : Memories!

The grade 4 and 5 students in room 20 offer a beautiful testimonial to their home.
It is fitting that this be posted on the very day that prior residents, displaced 4 years ago while their buildings were demolished and renewed, are moving back in!

Our part of Regent Park will be transforming in this same way very soon..... and there will be challenging adjustments our students face during this very personal and public transition.

This heart-felt piece, says a great deal about their courage and the love and support of their community.